10 Best AI Tools for Sales (2024)

AI sales tools, powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, elevate the sales process by enhancing strategies, customer interactions, and performance. In today’s rapidly changing sales landscape, these tools are vital, optimizing efficiency and delivering personalized customer experiences, ensuring businesses remain competitive. For your convenience, we’ve selected the 10 best AI tools for sales teams. We’ve also outlined the primary use cases of these AI sales tools and provided some best practices to maximize their effectiveness.

What Are AI Tools for Sales? πŸ€

AI sales assistants optimize processes by managing lead qualification, pipeline administration, and meeting schedules. Utilizing machine learning and natural language processing, these tools efficiently handle day-to-day tasks while delivering valuable insights.

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What AI Can Do for Sales? πŸ’‘

Companies leverage AI sales tools’ capabilities to enhance overall enterprise ROI in several ways. For sales team efficiency, six key benefits have emerged:

  • Enhanced CRM Adoption: AI sales tools automate CRM data entry, making it a reliable “single source of truth,” boosting adoption rates.
  • Increased Seller Productivity: By reducing manual data entry, sales teams regain 27% of their time, which can be used for more productive tasks like engaging with prospects and closing deals.
  • Data-Driven Sales Coaching: Sales coaches set goals and track activity levels for every rep, utilizing benchmarking data for targeted coaching to help each rep excel.
  • Improved Sales Forecasting and Pipeline Analysis: AI sales tools provide access to more data for real-time pipeline analysis and tracking deal trends, offering valuable insights into winning factors.
  • Self-Healing Contact Database: AI sales tools continuously update CRMs in real-time, ensuring accurate and up-to-date data.
  • Unprecedented Buying Group Visibility: AI sales tools reveal data about buying groups, aiding sales teams in engaging with the right individuals at the right time for deal success.

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10 Best AI Tools for Sales of 2024 πŸ†

Enhance your sales with these powerful tools. Tailored to boost strategies and personalize customer interactions, they serve sales professionals of all levels. Discover best practices to maximize their potential and supercharge your sales operations.


Apollo is a comprehensive sales intelligence platform boasting a colossal database comprising more than 60 million companies and 260 million contacts. Sales teams leverage this platform to access vital information about potential customers and facilitate meaningful connections.


In straightforward terms, Apollo is an all-in-one sales solution, equipping sales representatives with the tools they need to discover, contact, email, and successfully close deals with their ideal customers, all within a single platform.

Notably, they were recently introduced to their AI assistant known as Apollo.AI. This AI assistant harnesses the capabilities of Open AI’s GPT model and is built upon Apollo’s extensive database, which includes data on 60 million companies and 260 million contacts.

With Apollo.AI, sales professionals can effortlessly craft and send highly personalized emails to every prospect within their sales pipelines, eliminating the need to type out each message manually. Additionally, Apollo.AI offers AI-driven email analysis and follow-up features, enabling sales reps to compose follow-up emails that align with the sentiment of each response, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of their communications.

πŸ’»Key Features of Apollo.AI:

  • Hyper-Personalized Email Generation: Without manual typing, thanks to AI-powered content generation.
  • AI-Powered Email Analysis: Allowing sales reps to gauge the mood of their prospects and respond appropriately.
  • Follow-Up Email Assistance: Increasing the chances of successful follow-ups.
  • Database Integration: Seamless integration with Apollo’s extensive database of companies and contacts, makes it easier to access relevant information for sales and outreach.
  • Lead Scoring: Automated lead scoring to help prioritize prospects based on their likelihood to convert, ensuring that sales teams focus on the most promising leads.


  • Super easy to use.
  • It’s cost-effective.


  • The navigation steps are pretty slow.

πŸ’°Apllo.ai Pricing:

  • Get started free.
  • Basic: $49.00 per user monthly.
  • Professional: $99.00 per user monthly.
  • Organization: $79.00 per user monthly.

Einstein GPT

Einstein GPT, at its core, empowers sales professionals by harnessing predictive lead scoring through extensive data analysis. This process identifies leads with high conversion potential, resulting in significant time savings and a more efficient sales effort, ultimately focused on boosting conversion rates.


One of its pivotal features is automation, streamlining routine and time-consuming tasks. This automation allows sales teams to redirect their efforts toward critical activities such as building customer relationships and closing deals. The AI-driven automation capabilities within this application facilitate tasks like sending follow-up emails, updating CRM records, and task prioritization with ease and efficiency.

Einstein GPT distinguishes itself through easy integration with Salesforce CRM. If your organization already uses Salesforce, adopting this potent AI tool can be accomplished seamlessly and swiftly. Infusing AI into your CRM processes enables data-driven optimization of your sales operations.

Furthermore, Einstein GPT’s versatility extends to various industries, offering enhanced performance for sales teams. Its adaptability makes it a valuable asset for businesses of different types, promising improved sales outcomes. Exploring its capabilities further is undoubtedly worthwhile.

πŸ’»Key Features of Einstein GPT:

  • Predictive Lead Scoring: Using vast datasets to predict which leads are most likely to convert into customers, enabling sales professionals to focus their efforts on high-potential leads.
  • Automation: Streamlining and automating routine time-consuming tasks, to enhance sales team efficiency.
  • Seamless Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Integration: To provide a smooth and unified experience for managing customer data and sales processes.
  • Adaptability to Various Industries: Providing improved performance for sales teams across various sectors.
  • Efficient Sales Operations: Enhancing sales operations based on data-driven insights.


  • Natural language understanding.
  • Large-Scale knowledge.
  • GPT models are versatile and can be fine-tuned for specific tasks.
  • Language generation in multiple languages.


  • GPT models may generate biased or controversial content.
  • Lack of contextual understanding.

πŸ’°Einstein GPT’s Pricing:

  • Basic: A monthly fee of $50 per user.
  • Enterprise Expansion pack: There’s room for the purchase when you outgrow your normal subscription.

Gong’s sales

Gong serves as a revenue intelligence platform, transforming customer interactions into valuable strategic insights and enabling customer teams to stay informed about market developments. With Gong, you gain complete visibility into deals and sales performance.


Among its various applications, Gong is particularly effective in sales, serving as sales enablement software. It empowers sales teams to attain revenue goals more efficiently by offering AI-powered insights and data-driven support.

πŸ’»Key Features of Gong’s sales:

  • Conversation Intelligence: Gong captures and transcribes sales calls and meetings, offering insights into what and how it was said.
  • Deal Visibility: Provides complete visibility into the sales pipeline and the progress of deals.
  • AI-Driven Insights: Gong’s AI analyzes customer conversations to identify patterns, objections, and successful tactics.
  • Sales Coaching and Training: Offers coaching and training tools to help sales teams improve their communication and negotiation skills.
  • Sales Playbooks: Gong can create and recommend sales playbooks based on successful sales conversations.


  • A great tool for your tech stack.
  • Records and breaks down your calls, sentiment analysis, and focused keywords.


  • It is a task to onboard new teammates.

πŸ’°Gong’s Pricing:

  • The base price is $5,000.
  • Up to 49 users cost $1,600 per user yearly.
  • 50 – 99 users cost $1,520 per user yearly
  • 100 – 249 users cost $1,440 per user per year
  • Over 250 users cost $1,360 per user per year.


Clari is a standout software in intelligent revenue operations, renowned for its remarkable proficiency in generating highly accurate revenue forecasts.


Clari’s core strength lies in its capacity to amalgamate data from diverse sources and present it in a user-friendly format, thereby simplifying and streamlining the financial projection process. It seamlessly integrates with CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, and economic systems, consolidating all data into a central hub. Subsequently, AI processes and analyzes this data to create forecasts.

Clari excels in providing a granular understanding of revenue streams, allowing data segmentation by product, region, sales team, and more. Notably, it offers real-time forecasting capabilities, a valuable asset for sales leaders who require up-to-the-minute revenue insights for time-sensitive decisions.

In addition to its forecasting prowess, Clari offers a suite of tools for in-depth sales performance analysis. These tools help identify areas where sales representatives may require training or support, optimizing the overall sales process in the long term.

πŸ’»Key Features of Clari:

  • Accurate Revenue Forecasting: Enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and set realistic targets.
  • Data Unification: This consolidation simplifies the financial projection and ensures data consistency.
  • AI-Driven Insights: It can identify trends, opportunities, and potential issues in your revenue operations.
  • Real-Time Forecasting: This feature is invaluable for making timely and informed decisions.
  • Data Segmentation: This segmentation aids in optimizing strategies.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, and other data sources, ensuring that all relevant data is accessible within the platform.


  • Direct sync to salesforce.
  • Easy plugin.
  • Intuitive.


  • Does not have automated alerts to email.
  • Charge a premium price.

πŸ’°Clari Pricing:

The company doesn’t publish the pricing on its site but can be obtained upon request.


Exceed.ai’s sales assistant is a powerful tool designed to streamline the lead engagement process for sales representatives. It automates lead engagement, qualification, and meeting scheduling, allowing sales teams to allocate their time and efforts more efficiently, particularly toward closing deals.


This top sales assistant tool actively engages with prospects by automatically initiating interactions, providing responses to inquiries, addressing requests, and even handling objections. This automation ensures potential customers receive prompt and accurate information, contributing to a smoother sales process.

Notably, Exceed.ai’s sales assistant excels in nurturing and following up with leads and guiding them through the sales funnel. This proactive approach ensures prospects remain engaged and informed, ultimately increasing the likelihood of successful conversions.

πŸ’»Key Features of Exceed.AI:

  • Lead Engagement Automation: The platform automates lead engagement, allowing the sales assistant to reach out to leads promptly through communication channels.
  • Lead Qualification: Exceed.AI can help qualify leads by asking relevant questions and collecting information to assess their fit for your product or service.
  • Meeting Scheduling: The sales assistant can assist in scheduling meetings, saving time for sales representatives and leads.
  • Automated Responses: Exceed.AI’s assistant can automatically respond to common queries, providing leads with information and answers to their questions.
  • Objection Handling: Providing appropriate responses and addressing concerns, helping to overcome objections and move leads further down the sales funnel.


  • Create an unlimited number of sequences.
  • Exceptional customer service.


  • Sometimes, the product seems unpolished.
  • Integration into the CRM system is confusing.

πŸ’°Exceed.AI Pricing:

It has a single plan, with the cost starting at $500 per month.


This application offers users an intelligent CRM solution that streamlines lead management, interaction tracking, and task automation, freeing up valuable time for other essential activities.


What sets this software apart is its AI-driven lead scoring system, which generates leads based on various criteria and assigns specific scores to determine their priority. This feature ensures that your sales team is well-informed about which tasks require immediate attention, simplifying task management.

Freshsales, like other similar software, also include comprehensive contact management capabilities. It consolidates data from calls, meetings, and emails into a central timeline, providing sales representatives with a clear understanding of each contact’s history. This historical context fosters personalized and meaningful conversations.

Furthermore, robust AI sales software should incorporate automation features, and Freshsales excels in this area. It allows you to track key metrics such as email open rates and response times, gathering data to inform the creation of customized sales strategies.

πŸ’»Key Features of Freshsales:

  • Contact Management: Centralized contact database to store and manage customer information, interactions, and communication history.
  • Lead Scoring: AI-driven lead scoring to prioritize leads based on their engagement and behavior, helping sales teams focus on the most promising opportunities.
  • Sales Pipeline Management: Visual representation of the sales process, enabling sales teams to track deals at various stages, set milestones, and forecast revenue.
  • Email Integration: Integration with email platforms to manage email communication directly within the CRM, track email opens, and schedule emails.
  • Sales Automation: Automating routine tasks, such as data entry, lead assignments, and follow-up reminders, to increase efficiency.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Mobile app or mobile-friendly interface for on-the-go access to CRM data and activities.


  • Centralized database.
  • Email integration.
  • Mobile accessibility.


  • It’s not intuitive.

πŸ’°Freshsales Pricing:

  • Basic plan: Free
  • Growth plan: $15
  • Pro Plan: $39
  • Enterprise: $69


People.AI Empowers sales teams with AI-driven insights to facilitate well-informed decision-making and pipeline qualification, reducing risks associated with deals. It also utilizes data from previous sales interactions to detect patterns and automatically predict values with the highest likelihood of closing successfully. Moreover, it streamlines sales operations by automating time-consuming tasks, such as manual data entry into CRM systems, allowing sales representatives to focus on critical business activities.


PeopleGlass is a unique feature that enhances efficiency, allowing sales teams to spend more time closing deals and less time navigating screens.

πŸ’»Key Features of People.AI:

  • AI-Driven Insights: People.AI leverages AI to provide sales teams with insights into their activities, helping them make data-driven decisions and qualify or de-risk their sales pipeline.
  • Predictive Analytics: The platform analyzes data from past sales interactions to identify patterns and automatically predict which deals are more likely to close successfully.
  • Data Entry Automation: People.AI automates time-consuming and manual data entry tasks into CRM systems, saving sales representatives valuable time and ensuring accurate data recording.
  • CRM Management with PeopleGlass: The PeopleGlass feature simplifies CRM management, allowing sales reps to update pipelines, take the next steps, and add notes all from a single, intuitive view.
  • Deal and Pipeline Tracking: Comprehensive tools for tracking deals and managing the sales pipeline, providing visibility into deal progress and health.


  • Intuitive user interface.
  • It can predict analysis.
  • It empowers businesses to understand their activities on the progression.


  • Its reports sometimes don’t display updated information.

πŸ’°People.AI Pricing:

  • Starting price: $50 per user per month
  • Free Version: Free
  • Free Trial: Free


At its core, this software prioritizes personalized communication, empowering sales representatives to engage with potential clients in a meaningful and highly targeted manner.


One of Outreach’s standout features is its capacity to create and automate personalized email sequences. Rather than sending generic emails, it equips users with the tools to craft individualized messages that resonate with each client.

Furthermore, a noteworthy aspect of this AI sales software is its ability to provide insightful analytics based on each engagement. This feature assists sales teams in gaining a better understanding of the effectiveness of their messages. Real-time information about email opening rates, response times, and click-through rates enables sales reps to fine-tune their outreach strategies.

Outreach easily integrates with CRM systems, enhancing the overall functionality of the software. This integration ensures that all interactions with prospects are meticulously tracked and recorded, facilitating efficient collaboration between sales and marketing teams.

πŸ’»Key Features of Outreach:

  • Personalized Communication: Outreach emphasizes personalized communication, enabling sales reps to engage with prospects in a meaningful and targeted manner.
  • Email Sequence Automation: Outreach allows users to create and automate personalized email sequences.
  • Analytics and Insights: The platform provides in-depth analytics on each engagement, offering insights into the effectiveness of sales messages.
  • CRM Integration: Seamless integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems ensures that all prospect interactions are tracked and recorded in one central location.
  • Sales Playbooks: Outreach offers the capability to create and manage sales playbooks, providing guidance and templates for different sales scenarios and strategies.
  • Multi-Channel Outreach: Beyond email, the platform supports Outreach across multiple channels, including phone calls, social media, and messaging apps, allowing sales teams to reach prospects through their preferred communication channels.


  • Personalized communication.
  • Email sequence automation.
  • CRM integration.


  • It has unlimited features.

πŸ’°Outreach Pricing:

Basically costs $45 per user monthly and $100 per user on a yearly schedule.


OpenAI’s ChatGPT made a significant impact when it became widely accessible in November 2022. This artificial intelligence chatbot leverages its training on a diverse range of internet texts to produce human-like responses based on user prompts.


Sales teams have found valuable use for ChatGPT in drafting emails, creating sales proposals, generating sales scripts, creating SOPs and sales documentation, and repurposing content for different audiences. ChatGPT operates within a closed environment and doesn’t have access to internal information unless provided.

It’s worth noting that ChatGPT is powered by OpenAI’s GPT model, which serves as the foundation for many other AI tools in use today.

πŸ’»Key Features of ChatGPT:

  • Natural Language Processing: ChatGPT is built on advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) models that enable it to understand and generate human-like text based on the prompts it receives.
  • Conversational Interaction: It can engage in two-way text-based conversations, responding to user input and queries in a conversational manner.
  • Content Generation: ChatGPT can generate a wide range of content, such as text for emails, articles, marketing copy, and more, making it useful for content creation tasks.
  • Question Answering: It can answer factual questions based on the information it has been trained on, responding to various queries.
  • Text Summarization: ChatGPT can summarize lengthy text passages or documents, condensing the information into more concise forms.
  • Language Translation: While not a dedicated translation tool, ChatGPT can assist with translating text from one language to another.


  • It will find and solve bugs.
  • Write documentation for your project.
  • It generates codes from natural language prompts.


  • It sometimes generates irrelevant code.

πŸ’°ChatGPT Pricing:

It offers two plans.

  • Free Plan: Costs $0 and you get access to the GPT 3.5 model.
  • Plus Plan: It costs $20 per month and you get the GPT 4 model.


Conversica possesses a distinctive capability to enhance lead nurturing and automate follow-up procedures at scale significantly.


Engage with leads using personalized email conversations that mimic the approach of a human sales professional. These exchanges are strategically designed to qualify prospects, foster meaningful engagement, and schedule meetings with your sales team when leads are most receptive.

Conversica’s AI assistant communicates with leads naturally, displaying an awareness of context that blurs the distinction between artificial intelligence and human connection. This results in prospective customers receiving timely and valuable responses seamlessly integrated into their lead nurturing journey.

πŸ’»Key Features of Conversica:

  • Lead Engagement Automation: Conversica automates lead engagement through personalized email exchanges, mimicking human sales interactions to qualify prospects and schedule meetings.
  • Natural Language Understanding: The AI assistant can engage with leads using natural language, making interactions feel more human and less robotic.
  • Context Awareness: Conversica’s AI understands the context of conversations, allowing for more meaningful and relevant interactions with leads.
  • Lead Qualification: The platform helps qualify leads, ensuring that the sales team focuses on the most promising opportunities.
  • Appointment Scheduling: You can schedule meetings with prospects, ensuring a smooth transition from lead engagement to the sales process.
  • Integration with CRM: Conversica integrates with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to ensure all lead interactions and data are recorded and easily accessible.


  • Engages leads.
  • Automates outreach to free up salespeople.
  • It will notify when a lead has not been contacted.


  • It is costly compared to its peers.


The subscription price starts at $2,999 per company per month.

>> Don’t Miss:

Frequently Asked Questions πŸ€”

Can I use AI in B2B sales?

Yes, AI will help to boost your revenue growth when used in B2B sales. The impact has been remarkable, to the extent that a McKinsey & Company report highlights that businesses adopting AI in their B2B sales and marketing endeavors have experienced a significant 50-60% surge in measurable metrics, such as customer engagement and conversion rates.

How will AI help in the future of sales?

AI, through task automation and customer data analysis, enhances sales team productivity and deal closure rates. It also leverages machine learning for precise sales forecasting, streamlined QBRs, predicting customer behavior, and extracting actionable insights.

What possible problems can you face in AI sales?

A significant hurdle in implementing AI for B2B sales and marketing is the data quality and quantity. AI algorithms demand substantial data to acquire knowledge and provide precise predictions.

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Conclusion πŸ“Œ

Remaining competitive in the constantly evolving sales landscape can be a formidable challenge. However, harnessing the capabilities of state-of-the-art technology with these tools for sales simplifies this endeavor. Artificial Intelligence has permanently transformed the sales field, empowering sales teams to optimize their operations, base decisions on actual data, and fuel revenue expansion.

>> Check more recommendations on the best AI tools.


I’m Echo, a Senior Engineer and working on app development for 10 years. Explore our DreamAITools blog to uncover the most potent AI tools, crafted to amplify your productivity and inspire innovation.

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